Sunday, January 6, 2008

Bhutto victim of Rice policy? -- This is what I told You 2 weeks ago!

Bhutto victim of Rice policy? -- This is what I told You 2 weeks ago!

by Robert R. Barney

Below is the link to a WorldNetDaily story blaming Secretary of State Rice and the Bush administration for Bhutto's death. This is exactly what I wrote about over two weeks ago now. (My former story is below the link). The number one reason why Bhutto was killed was American Foreign policy, or lack thereof. President Bush has been almost as bad as Jimmy Carter when it comes to understanding diplomacy and how America must react in the world today. He doesn't have a clue, and his EOE Secretary of Stae doesn't either!


Subject: What Recent Events in Pakiston Really Mean
Date: December 27, 2007
Author:   Robert R. Barney 

By Robert R. Barney

One of the first articles I posted on the Plain Truth was entitled "Why Is The Middle East Always Going To Be In YOUR Future?" (see older stories below). If you take anything away from this web site, I hope it will be that war in the middle east will always be in our future, until the return of Jesus Christ. Mainstream media just will not report what the Bible says, but if we are wise we should understand that the Bible is the source for much of the news headlines that you will read in the entirety of your lifetime. The assassination of Bhutto today is just another example.

The question now is what does this mean? My family well remembers the rants that I was doing at the dinner table several weeks ago when President Bush condemned Pakistan for putting Bhutto in jail. I said at the dinner table that she would never live to see any election. I was right, not because I am some prophet but because I guess I still have an ounce of brain matter left-- something this administration either lost or never had. When our government condemned the Musharraf government it gave the green light to Arab terrorist to kill Bhutto in an effort to cause a civil war in Pakistan and bring Islamic rule to the ONLY MUSLIM NATION WITH THE A-BOMB!  Bush went to war to stop terrorist for gaining weapons of mass destruction, cost trillions of dollars and thousands of lives only to potentially hand the bomb over to the same terrorist in Pakistan.

When will we learn that "strong men" like Musharraf or Marcos in the Philippines or even Hussein in Iraq are sometimes the best allies we have! We gave Marcos the boot and today we have Islamic terrorist running all over the place after 35 years of peace under "strong man" Marcos. The same fate is probably the future for Pakistan. Time will tell if I am right, but if Musharraf is killed or forced to flee, Pakistan will become a terrorist Islamic ruled state with the BOMB helped immensely by our inept government. Unless we are willing to wage total war, as we did against Germany and Japan and then willing to put in millions of troops to keep the peace and place a Mac Arthur in to run that peace with a strong hand, we should never expect to "democratize" a people. It will not work. Will we ever learn from history?

World War III will happen. If it will happen in our day or not, I have no idea. I do know that the last World War will happen IN THE MIDDLE EAST and an end time World Government (called Kingdom of the North)  will clash with the King of the South (a Muslim controlled empire of Arab and surrounding nations). The seat and power of this world government will probably be Europe and not America. Russia and China will not be a part of the of the North or the South kingdoms but will play a vital role in the last war on Earth.

America needs to learn the lesson that George Washington tried to teach our young nation back at our nation's founding. We must stay clear of foreign entanglements and be self sufficient as much as possible. There will be no end to the violence in the middle east in any of our lifetime. We are at war with muslim fundlementalist and we must fight them whenever and wherever we can and stop them from trying to kill us. At the same time, we must learn from our past mistakes and fight a total righteous war against terror and seal our borders until this threat is lessened. I pray this will happen, but I fear it will not. America will someday become a former empire and will be broken up and scattered (lev 26) and be a nation no more.

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