Tuesday, February 26, 2008

I'm pro-choice … on light bulbs!

between the lines Joseph Farah I'm pro-choice … on light bulbs!
Posted: February 26, 2008
1:00 am Eastern

© 2008 

What is this country coming to?

While it is perfectly legal to kill unborn babies for any reason or no reason at all, soon it will be strictly against federal law to buy, sell or traffic in incandescent light bulbs.

I have a problem with this.

The deaths of tens of millions of American children since 1973 have been justified on the basis of "choice." Activists for abortion on demand say they don't necessarily justify the moral decision to kill unwanted, pre-born children, but they believe every mother has a right to make that "choice" for herself. They're not pro-abortion, they say. They are "pro-choice."

Of course, I'm pro-choice, too. I think women who don't want children should do everything in their power to avoid pregnancy – up to and including becoming abstinent. That is the proper way to exercise "choice" about children.Read More...