By Philip Pullella,
VATICAN CITY (April 28) - Americans are among the world's most 'Bible-literate' people and Spaniards, French and Italians are among the most ignorant about what the "good book" says, according to a new study released on Monday.
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A new survey finds that Americans are among the world's most Bible-literate people. Asked if they had read a part of the holy book in the past 12 months, 75 percent of American respondents said yes, while the number was much lower in eight other countries that were polled. Above, parishoners pack Five Holy Martyrs church in Chicago.
A poll carried out in nine countries -- the United States, Britain, Germany, France, the Netherlands, Russia, Italy, Spain and Poland -- also showed Americans were most willing to donate money to spread the message of the Bible.
The poll for the Catholic Biblical Federation interviewed Christians and non-Christians ahead of a synod of Roman Catholic Bishops on the Bible due to be held at the Vatican in October.Read More.........
The poll for the Catholic Biblical Federation interviewed Christians and non-Christians ahead of a synod of Roman Catholic Bishops on the Bible due to be held at the Vatican in October.Read More.........