The Barney's Thru the years! Originally Published 2008
Updated Jan 2014........
This is me at a young age, can't find the one of Tammy we have floating around...

Here is Tammy just before we got married! This is a bad photo, we were in the Bahamas at the time
Below is Tammy and Joe Kovacs' sister in Hollywood Fl. 1981

"Tamster" (my oldest daughter Tammy Miller) and me in 1985

Tammy and the girls about 1988!!! In Florida
Vacation at Tahoe! 1994

Me, Joe and the Kids! 1995
Home sweet home, Jupiter Fl '85-96

Tammy 2009! (AT SNS, thanks Paul Robinson)

BOB with granddaughter Isabelle and grandson Jacob (2013-Summer)
Tammy Fall 2013
The Whole Family (VIDEO) in 2012 in OBX (Sunset Grill)