Thursday, January 10, 2008

Kerry Snubs Edwards - HIS OWN VEEP Partner from 2004

By Robert R. Barney

     Is it just me, or does anyone else have a problem with John Kerry endorsing Barak Obama over his own Vice President nominee! As far as I am concerned this shows to me that John Kerry has absolutely no character and maybe those swift boat guys were honest after all. How can someone run for the Presidency of the United States with a running mate that he obviously didn't believe in? Or is it that he supported John Edwards before he didn't support him. I see why he is flip flop Kerry and should never be taken seriously. Most pundits considerate Edwards the better part of the ticket in 2004 and that Kerry himself was the problem.

     It galls me to see that a man who wanted to be President was willing to STICK to the American people a man who at a heartbeat away could have been our next President! Now we see that he didn't really believe in the man all along. That makes him nothing more than a liar in my eyes and I am even more thankful today that he wasn't elected President.

     This opinion has NOTHING to do with Barak Obama. I don't think he would be any worse than John Edwards --- BOTH ARE TERRIBLE socialist snake oil salesman. My problem lies with Kerry and Kerry alone. Until Democrats can start running reputable and ethical candidates, they will continue to be a party of liars and not worthy of any votes.

    Nancy Pelosi ran on a ticket of getting our troops home and this lie helped Democrats win both houses. They have never delivered on this promise. LIES LIES LIES.....


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