Sunday, February 3, 2008

End Times

Are We Living in the Last Days?

by Robert R. Barney

Part 1


One of the most important topics that anyone should understand about world events, the Bible and their future is the answer to this question: ARE WE LIVING IN THE LAST DAYS.. Unfortunately the average Jane or Joe is bombarded with views of this event from either Hollywood or even worse modern Christian evangelism looking to line their pockets much more than trying to explain the word of GOD!


            Everyone has heard “the Gospel.” Many love Gospel music, Gospel names and even “sharing the Gospel”, but most of us don’t know what the word GOSPEL actually means!  Gospel is an old English word that just means “good news.” The Gospel is the Good News of God’s plan for mankind and YOU! Jesus was a newscaster! So too was John the Baptist, Peter, Paul and John the Apostle. Daniel, Jeremiah and even Moses were newscaster! Unlike Dan Rather, they got their news from God Almighty! One third of the Bible is prophecy, or FUTURE NEWS of what is going to happen in the world and when GOD returns to this world to establish a GOVERNMENT on Earth! Yes, Heaven is coming to you, you are not going to Heaven! Remember these words, “Our Father, who art in Heaven, hallowed be thy name. Thy Kingdom come, thy will be done, on earth as it is in heaven.”  ON EARTH! God’s Kingdom is coming to Earth after the reign of man is over with. The exact order of this is given by Christ himself in Mathew 24.


            Jesus is plain about the end times. One, nobody knows the exact hour or time of the return of Christ. No man, no Angel and especiallynot a single Demon. So the next time you hear your favorite preacher tell you the rapture may come tonight realize that he is either: A) A fraud or B) Just ignorant! The truth is that since the time of Paul, we have been living in “the last days!” (Heb 1:2).  Even the Apostles of God did not know when Jesus would return, why should a TV preacher know?