MOUNTAIN VIEW, Calif. — Many parts of America, long considered the breadbasket of the world, are now confronting a once unthinkable phenomenon: food rationing. Major retailers in New York, in areas of New England, and on the West Coast are limiting purchases of flour, rice, and cooking oil as demand outstrips supply. There are also anecdotal reports that some consumers are hoarding grain stocks.
What Does all of this Mean?
By Robert R Barney
Misunderstood: The 4 Horseman of Revelation
For years many religious experts and ministers have taught that the plagues described in the Bible (Matthew 24 and the Book of Revelation) as already happening. However these experts have made a serious error concerning these prophecies. They are correct to say that we are living in the "end times" but honestly the first century Church and the epistles of our Bible tell us that! We have been living in the "end times" now for about 1900 years! Jesus, in his famous Olivet prophecy (Matthew 24) gave exact clues to help us pinpoint the times right before he returns to earth. Although he goes on to say that no man (including Jesus) knows the exact time, if we look for certain signs, we will have an idea about when these times are very close. I have been warning people now for months that many things must still occur before the return of Jesus. Here is a short list of what HAS NOT happened yet:
1) The rise of the King of the North (Assyria)
2) The rise of the end time King of the South (Saudi Arabia and the entire Muslim world)
3) The rebuilding of the Temple in Jerusalem
4) The near destruction of Israel.
5) The revealing of the false prophet and the beast (as a part of this King of the North)
6) The plagues of Matt 24 and Revelation
Many think that famines in Africa, or Asia are a result of Bible prophecy being fulfilled. This is a series error. The Bible deals with the nation of Israel. Only nations and events that have anything to do with Israel are mentioned in the Bible. The key that so many have overlooked is the identity of who Israel is. If you do not understand who Israel is, you can never understand Biblical prophecy because it concerns physical Israel and the spiritual Church. If you ask people today, who is Israel, they would say right away, "The Jews." It is understandable. Most people get their religion from theologians and not the Bible. Do yourself a favor. Look up the word "Jew" in www.blueletterbible.com. Read the chapter. You will be surprised to see that the Jews were at war WITH THE HOUSE OF ISRAEL! Now how can that be, aren't the Jews Israel?
Your Bible Says NO!
If you read on, you will see that your Bible says that the Jews are not the House of Israel. Although one tribe of Israel, the Jews homeland in the Bible is called Judah. Israel belongs to only one people of the twelve (really 13) tribes making up the House of Israel! Israel was the name God gave Jacob. The name Israel is the personal name of a single man named Jacob. Jacob gave his name ONLY to the two son's of Joseph. Read it for yourself:
Gen 48:16 the Angel who has delivered me from all harm—may he bless these boys.May they be called by my name "
The name Israel belongs to the tribe of Joseph. They are known either by "Jacob" or Israel. If you see the name Jacob in the Bible, referring to a nation, it means Joseph. That is the single most important lesson you can ever learn to understand what the Bible says about YOU and prophecy.
"A Time of Jacob's Trouble"
When Jesus warned of the plagues that were coming in Matthew 24, he was not talking about Aids in Africa or famine in South America. He was referring to a time whenIsrael (Jacob, or the sons of Joseph) would be experiencing these plagues. This is what Jesus says. (Mat 24:21) "For then there will be great distress, unequaled from the beginning of the world until now– and never to be equaled again"
Now compare this to:
Jer 30:7 "How awful that day will be! None will be like it.It will be a time of trouble for Jacob,but he will be saved out of it."
Notice that this is the same event being discussed! A time like no other in History, nor ever again. A time of Jacob's trouble! The nation of Jacob (Joseph or Israel) will be seeing the plagues of Matthew 24 and Revelation.
(See related Stories on WHO IS JACOB. Click on Links below)
Part 1 of WHAT NATIONS TODAY are in the BIBLE....... Part 2 of WHAT NATIONS TODAY are in the BIBLE.......
What/Who are the 4 Horseman?
To understand who the four horseman represent, we need to see that Jesus tells us their meaning in Mathew 24.
White Horse = "Many will came in my name and deceive many" The white horse is FALSE CHRISTIANITY! Not false religion, but a false Christian ministry. See what Paul says about this: 2Cr 11:4 For if he that cometh preacheth another Jesus, whom we have not preached, or [if] ye receive another spirit, which ye have not received, or another gospel, which ye have not accepted, ye might well bear with [him]. Paul shows that we are to watch for "another Jesus", another Gospel! Read it for yourselves who the white horseman is. It is a man, wearing a crown (Rev 6:2). Jacob would be controlled by this man.
Red Horse= Everyone knows that this means war. "And there were wars and rumors of war". Again what everyone misses here is that the wars must involve Israel! A world War that Israel (the tribe of Joseph) is fighting in and will lose!
The Black Horse = Inflation and Famine that must happen in Israel! Notice the story Linked above about Rations Coming to the USA!
The Pale Horse = Death. The time of Jacob's trouble where "if those days were not cut short, nobody would be saved alive!" Mat 24:22.
The KEY to the Identity of Jacob:
Jacob, when blessing Joseph's two sons made the promise that these to boys would be the two greatest nations, with the younger being even greater than the older brother. The younger brother would be a Company of Nations (States) (a United States). Now doesn't that sound like a familiar name to you? It should. The Tribe of Joseph became part of the LOST TEN TRIBES and whose identity is the United States, Britain and the other English speaking nations of the world.
So we need to watch signs of Matthew 24 and Revelation occurring in the United States, England, Canada and Australia and that is the reason we select the articles we do for the Plain Truth. If you want to understand the Bible, you must know who the players are. The United States is the key player in everything! We are Jacob. We are Israel and the plagues Jesus talked about will someday come here. It may not be tomorrow, or next year or in ten years. It will happen and you can count on it. The United States, if we return to God, will be given more time.... If we do not return to God, we will find our time running out. Someone once said, when 51% of the nation is righteous, then God will bless us. When 51% become corrupt, God will destroy us. I still have hope that the great majority of Americans are still God fearing people trying to do right. Let's all hope and pray for that to continue. Watch when this changes, then you know our history will be coming to and end. You can make a difference. How you act, how you treat others and how you keep God in your life can go a long way. Jesus said that Love covers a multitude of Sin! Wake up America. We still delay our fate.