Thursday, August 14, 2008

Aliens to rule over us by 2042

Aliens to rule over us by 2042

Census report sees minorities becoming majority by 2042

Twenty seven hundred years ago, God warned the nation of Israel that their "promised land" which God gave to the children of Abraham was conditional. If the people would obey the laws of God, then all would go well for them. If they turned their faces against God, then He promised to ruin them, enslave them and allow the foreigner living in the land of Israel to overtake them and to rule over them. It is unfortunate indeed that most Americans do not know their heritage. America is under the covenant found in Leviticus 26 because we are actually the lost tribe of Joseph, who as the Bible tells us, was given the right to the name "Israel". It is unfortunate indeed that we do not realize that we are under a curse from God, found in the twenty sixth chapter of Leviticus even though our newspapers and electronic media are reporting the manifestations of God’s wrath found in the chapter every day.

Lev 26:17 “I will turn against you, and you will be defeated by all your enemies. They will rule over you, and you will run even when no one is chasing you!”

Today’s headlines around the world is: Census report sees minorities becoming majority by 2042. If we understood the plain message from God, we would understand why the alien living among us will rule over us by 2042. There is no other nation on earth that would allow foreigners to overtake their population and take away their national identity! We must understand that why we are allowing this to happen is because God has made us morons!

Our leaders, our theologians and our people have followed after their own desires and forgot the one true God, and we are going to pay the ultimate price for our actions, unless we turn from our ways. We can stop what will happen to us.

Lev 26:42 I will remember my covenant with Jacob, with Isaac, and with Abraham, and I will remember the land. Lev 26:43 And the land will enjoy its years of Sabbath rest as it lies deserted. At last the people will receive the due punishment for their sins, for they rejected my regulations and despised my laws. Lev 26:44 "But despite all this, I will not utterly reject or despise them while they are in exile in the land of their enemies. I will not cancel my covenant with them by wiping them out. I, the Lord, am their God. Lev 26:45 I will remember my ancient covenant with their ancestors, whom I brought out of Egypt while all the nations watched. I, the Lord, amtheir God."

God, my friends don't change. God is the same yesterday, today and forever! His laws do not change, His holy days do not change, and his promises do not change. We can take back our country, and we can enjoy again the blessings from God. It is up to us…

Minorities to outnumber Anglo-Americans by 2042 says Census Bureau

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