Saturday, August 9, 2008

How many people think this is a good idea? Progressive Insurance...

Think This is a Good Idea?
For those unaware of this fact, the owner of Progressive is a staunce supporter of MoveOn.Org, Barack Obama and the name "Progressive" is just another name for "communism". So realize what their real motivation is... Taking away your freedom!
Drivers now have a unique opportunity to save on car insurance ...
Mon Aug 4, 7:14 AM ET

Drivers now have a unique opportunity to save on car insurance thanks to an innovative program from Progressive. MyRate is an optional, behavior-based car insurance program that lets drivers pay based on how, how much and when their car is driven. Drivers who choose to participate simply plug a small wireless device into a port in their car that automatically sends driving data to Progressive. Cars driven less often, in less risky ways and at less risky times of day can receive a lower premium.

(Photo: Business Wire)

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