Corporate Greed
Learning from the Mafia: Corporate Greed is why we have high prices!
By Robert R. Barney
Below are links on google news about price fixing. These are only stories from the last 24 hours. Do you want to know the real reason food is so high? Gas, appliances, drugs and everything else you are buying? It has nothing to do with the laws of supply and demand that many of the "so-called" conservatives like to boast about (whose shows, by the way are paid for the companies listed below). The Plain Truth for high prices is that global corporate giants have learned business models from the mafia. Or maybe it was the other way around. You see, the mob (I highly recommend the movie "The Godfather") learned long ago that the only way to make huge profits were to follow these simple steps:
1) Force out all competition by legal or "head smashing" tactics. Make sure that you and a few friends are the only players in whatever business you want to get into. Remember the old trash company joke? They weren't jokes!
2) Learn how to not pay taxes, that honest hard working legit small businesses do. Learn to find every legal and illegal way to never pay taxes. That becomes the best bottom line tactic that there is.
3) Learn to play golf! You see, on the golf course, one can meet with their so-called competition and FIX PRICES! It's done all the time. ON YOUR DIME! or should I say dollars....
I am in the paint business. Our company manufactures auto, marine, OEM and wood coatings. Our quality exceeds that of the "big guy". They don't need to make good products. They don't want to. The top 5 auto paint companies sell 90% of all auto paint in the WORLD! (see story below how they are caught price fixing). To make the most profit, they use the cheapest materials they can buy, price it 10 to 20 times higher than cost, meet on a golf course and agree to fix price, buy out smaller competition, or constantly threaten the little guys with lawsuits! We have had our letters from them! It's a joke when you know how to fight back. You ask yourself about "how can they get away with lousy quality products?" It simple. REFUSE TO PAY ANY CLAIM! Always blame the painter. Any painters out there in my audience? You know the score!
So we have a gallon of car paint selling for $500.00- $1,000.00 OR MORE that often doesn't cost any more to make than a good gallon of house paint! That is the dirty Plain Truth, and you are all paying for it. Your insurance goes up, the cost to restore your 69 Road Runner goes up and you pay through the nose.
In the links below, you will see that every product thinkable is being controlled mafia style all over the world. It is not just America. This is happening globally and millions of people are starving to death because of it. GOD CALLS THIS GREED. This isn't capitalism, it is greed and immoral. Just like the mafia, people are being killed. Children starving to death are in God's eyes being murdered! Don't ever forget this fact: God is watching us.
100 leading brands in price-fixing investigation About 100 leading household brands, including PG Tips, Coca-Cola and Aquafresh, are at the centre of an investigation into allegations of price-fixing, The Daily Telegraph discloses today. More....
San Francisco sues McKesson, claiming price fixing The city of San Francisco has sued McKesson Corp., alleging that the nation's largest drug distributor illegally manipulated prices on brand-name drugs beginning as far back as 2001. More....
Cement Cartel Success Boosts UK Claims Investigators gathering evidence over alleged cement price fixing in the UK have been boosted by Heidelberg, Lafarge, Holcim, Cemex and three other cement producers losing their court bid in Germany to throw out a lawsuit over a price-fixing cartel.. More....
Qantas staff accused of price-fixing role THE involvement of Qantas employees in illegally fixing air-freight rates was "extensive", US prosecutors have claimed.More....
Nintendo challenging price-fixing fine Publisher makes its case in European court to have $147 million 2002 punishment lessened, calls original fine "unfair, illegal, even shocking."More....
Stop MasterCard, Visa from price-fixing Proponents of the bill charged Visa and MasterCard with price-fixing for electronic payments. They claimed the two collude to set the price and offer it up to merchants as a take-it-or-leave-it proposition. They projected that the fees add about $2 to every $100 consumers spend in stores, or 2% of the price tag. More....
India accuses fertilizer makers of price fixing
VIENNA -- For three decades, India has subsidized its fertilizer industry to keep costs low for farmers. Now, with prices for chemical crop nutrients soaring, that subsidy is taking a giant bite out of the nation's coffers -- and India's agriculture leaders are accusing the world's suppliers of pushing prices too high and exacerbating the global food crisis.More....
Guilty Plea In Trash Price-Fixing Case The former top salesman for the Danbury trash company at the center of a federal price fixing case pleaded guilty in U.S. District Court Thursday to racketeering and making a false statement to federal investigators.More....
Watchdog suspects steel makers of price-fixing The price of steel is going through the roof across the world, mainly because the cost of transporting it and buying the raw materials used to make it have risen dramatically. But the Anti-monopoly Service believes some Russian steel producers could be acting together to further drive up prices.More....
ADM sues five major railroads over price fixing Read the Story...Click here....
More food companies charged with price fixing Read the Story...Click here....
U.S. FTC eases price-fixing order for Nine West Read the Story...Click here....