Wednesday, May 7, 2008

The King of the South. Daniel 11

Islamism Is Indeed Fascism

Leslie J. Sacks

Islam can be a religion of moderation, of peace.

If the majority of the one billion Muslims were not moderate and supported al Qaeda, the Western World would be simply overwhelmed in spite of its technological, military and financial superiority. One billion radicals, martyrs, terrorists, Jihadists and their supporters would quickly reduce the world to ashes in their nihilistic violence.

For a clash of religious cultures to be averted, perhaps 10-20% of the Muslims worldwide must be totally reeducated; and this is not a matter of modest slow gradations. The anti-West, anti-American and anti-Israel propaganda taught daily in the kindergartens and schools, universities and mosques and which permeates the media throughout the radicalized Muslim world is so complete, so undifferentiated, so extreme and so rooted in uniform conformity that only a total remake, a redefinition of these institutions, can have any hope of reversing this perversion of truth, this immoderacy, this disinterest in co-existence.More.....

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