Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Special Series on Gas, Big Business, Big Government and the Plain Truth!


Special Series on Gas, Big Business, Big Government and the Plain Truth!

By Robert R. Barney

Today we have put up many stories in an effort to inform our readers the Plain Truth about Big Oil, Big Government and Big Business in general. If Americans do not try and take control of their government soon, everyone will become the working poor. Free markets and big business do not go hand in hand. Big business, just like big government is an evil entity that places greed over the welfare of any nation. These international companies and "international" nations do not have our best interest at heart. These leaders see things globally and not with any nationalism whatsoever!

The Bible predicts the time of doom for the USA. If you have been reading the Plain Truth for awhile, you will know the true biblical identity of the USA, Great Britain and most of Northern Europe. I for one do not think we are at the time of the end. Most of the signs that the Bible gives for the end of this age have not happened. I do know that it will happen someday, but I still think we have time. Time to change what is happening. Ronald Reagan was able to bring this country back to glory after the most failed Presidency in American history. Merle Haggard had a song, "Are the good times really over for good."  Most thought so in 1980, but not Ronald Reagan. America, if we wake up and FIRE our leaders and send a message that we are not going to stand for what is happening, we can at least delay what will someday happen to a later time.

It is not too late. We must educate ourselves and stop swallowing the lies we are being fed by leaders who are not what they claim to be! Please read these stories carefully and understand that free markets can not exist with multi-national corporations!


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