Monday, May 5, 2008


Where is Oprah?

By Robert R. Barney

News item! Oprah is missing! Really, or at least missing from the campaign trail of Barack Obama! Could her plunge in her own ratings be the key in her very noticeable absence? (see stories below). As I predicted months ago, Oprah's endorsement of Obama would pull her down and it has big time. Why? It is obvious that the only thing that really separates Hillary Clinton from Obama is RACE! Oprah jumped ship only to support a black man. It is that simple. Oprah has convinced white Americans that she doesn't see race, and that she is for everyone. Her stance showed she was a big of a fake as Obama's and now :her chickens are coming home -- to roost" as Reverend Wright would say.

         Many on the liberal left wondered why, when he needs her the most, Oprah disappeared. In fact, at first many hoped she would come out and help Barack defend himself against Wright. She could not. You see, she had the good sense to run away from that church YEARS ago. She could defend Obama, when she herself would not attend that church! I realize that it is not politically correct to oppose Barack or unmask Oprah, but if this country is truly going to become one and color blind, then we need to have leaders in the black community lead the way through example and not just words. Let's start having rich blacks support poor white causes at least to the degree that rich whites have supported black causes! We can not be on a one way street forever. Black America must ditch their so-called leaders and start to free themselves from the slavery of their own view on "blackness". Yes there is racism, but black Americans must be above any racism and go the extra mile to end the colored-centered America. Only then can we be ONE NATION-COLOR BLIND. It's time we stop being Italian-Americans, Irish-Americans and Black Americans. It is time to be just American!

Related Links:

 Tom Hanks Compares Obama to Reagan/ OPRAH AWOL

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