Saturday, July 26, 2008

The Middle East in Prophecy

The Middle East in Prophecy

By Richard F. Ames

Forward By Robert R. Barney: Richard Ames gives probably the best view I have seen so far concerning end time prophecy and the identity of who everyone is just before Christ returns. I hope you take the time to study this article very well. You will learn much!



Jerusalem is the most important city in the world. Scripture shows that the region surrounding it—the Middle East—will eventually explode into world war. Do you know what the Bible teaches about the end-time climax of world events in that region? You may be surprised!

The Middle East has been in constant turmoil for decades. Many who are following world news wonder what will happen next, and what the final outcome will be. Yet very few realize that Bible prophecy explains in advance the earthshaking events that will lead to greater disasters in the region—and ultimately to World War III!Read More.....

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