Sunday, August 17, 2008

Experts Want Big Banks Broken Up -We Say Break up Big Business in General

Experts Want Big Banks Broken Up -We Say Break up Big Business in General

By Bob Barney-The Plain Truth

Experts around the world are calling for the large mega-banks to be broken up, much like Teddy Roosevelt broke up big oil in 1905. If you have been reading the Plain Truth for awhile, you understand that our point of view is that all international mega companies that have a effective monopoly on their goods and services also need to be broken up, if they do business in America. This should start again with big oil; Break the five major companies into about a dozen or so smaller ones. We would see an instant plunge in gas and fuel oil prices when true competition resumes in this commodity which has been absent now for more than 20 years. Other corporations that need to be broken up in our opinion are the giant pharmaceutical corporations, chemical companies like the automotive paint business, airlines, railroads and trucking firms. Food giants like Nestle and General Foods must also go under scrutiny.

 The distressing fact that you are just not being told by the mainstream media or the right winged talk show hosts is that big business is as evil as big government and one cannot survive without the other! Ronald Reagan was right. Big government is evil. The Republican party has also been wrong in that big business is as wicked to the average American as is big government. Government robs you through taxes and inflationary spending. Big business robs you through price fixing schemes and mafia-style anti-competition tactics that in reality use their government contacts to harass tinier companies out of business through counterfeit regulations and Nazi style investigations.

This is the real America today. If we do not wake up and see that more and more of our rights are being taken away everyday by the unholy alliance between these two megalithic giants, we will soon be slaves without rights under a Nazi or Communist form of government in this country.

What can you do? Buy from small businesses. Do not buy from Walmart or large grocery chains if you can. Buy from the smaller regional grocery stores and the Mom and Pop stores. Vote against every incumbent unless they have a strong record in fighting big government and big business equally (and you will not find many that fit this model). Buy from local farmers and local shops of every kind. Try to bank with small town banks if possible. Support your fellow American! We can change things, but it must start with you and me.

Top CEOs give 10 times more to McCain than to Obama

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