Wednesday, August 20, 2008

False Science and Lies – What a surprise!


False Science and Lies – What a surprise!

By Murray Allatt


Some weeks ago I was trawling the Internet and came across an article on global warming that rang very true. It was short, sharp, and logical and perhaps best of all written by one whom was a convert from the human caused Global Warming camp and therefore in the eyes of some, a heretic. The kind of heretic you can admire. This author had left the “global warming” industry a few years earlier and was now safely ensconced in other employment relevant to his scientific training. Perhaps the biggest testament to the truth of what was contained in this article is the fact that, unlike when the movie “The Great Global Warming Swindle” came out a couple of years ago, there has not been the baying for blood and poisonous denunciation of this “heretic” as was the case with the maker of that documentary movie and the scientists who participated. In other words, the facts claimed in that movie, that we will see are now endorsed in the article I came across, are, as the author says, now not disputed. But you won’t find any of those desperate global warming alarmists issuing any apologies for their attacks on the character and credibility of those who can now rightly claim vindication.Read More

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