Friday, August 8, 2008



High School instructor to teach boating safety lessons. By "high school instructor" I mean "33 yr old Female Teacher" and by "teach safety lessons" I mean "have sex with students on that boat"

Crazy lady can't understand why a rainbow appears when her lawn sprinkler is on..VIDEO. YOU MUST WATCH!!!!!!

(First Coast News) .. Followup .... Reptile, 111, finally becoming a father, thereby beating Strom Thurmond's record. Double Fark: He's now enjoying the company of three females

Actual headline: Clinton urges monogamy

Not scary: Man asks you for drink of water. Scary: Man is lying on slab awaiting autopsy

If you've ever shopped at TJ Max, BJs, OfficeMax, Boston Market, Barnes & Noble, Sports Authority, Forever 21 or Discount Shoe Warehouse -- PANIC

UK hospitals infested with vermin. In the US, we call them uninsured

British Minister proposes boxing in schools to better prepare the kids for gang fights

If your MySpace friend lists his interests as "poker, serial murder, rape, torture, etc" and Ted Bundy as a hero, you might need to un-friend him

Man attempts to destroy wasps' nest with rag and lighter fluid, ends up burning down his garage with his car inside. Quoth the genius, "Maybe using lighter fluid wasn't such a good idea, but ... the wasps are gone"

Woman sues Department of Transportation for a $16 bill for the gasoline she figured she'd wasted idling in traffic. Wait'll she finds out they don't make $16 bills

Bad idea: Escaping from jail. Worse idea: Escaping the day before you're released

You know gas prices are high when bank robbers start calling taxi cabs to drive them to the robbery

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