Saturday, June 21, 2008

Going Green 1984 Style = $4 per Gallon

Going Green 1984 Style = $4 per Gallon

 By Tom Deweese  Thursday, June 19, 2008

We were warned by George Orwell about a future world controlled by the central government. Looks like "green" is the excuse being used!

You hear it everywhere now. On the nightly news; in car ads; in government reports; at the super market. Instructions on how to “reduce your carbon footprint,” “save the planet” and “go green” are the new national mantras for behavior modification of our daily lives.

It’s interesting to note that as the nation jumps on the “go green” band wagon, more Americans are beginning to feel that the American Dream is passing them by. “Fewer Americans now than at any time in the last half century believe they’re moving forward in life,” concluded a recent report by the Pew Research Center. The report went on to say that today’s economic malaise caps a prolonged period during which the typical American lost ground as median household income fell and inflation increased. Smirked economy reporter David Lynch about the Pew report, “Suddenly, a nation that confidently had binged on McMansions, huge SUVs and flat-screened TVs faces a future of smaller dwellings, shrunken cars and painful credit card repayment.” Apparently, in Lynch’s world it is wrong for people to be successful, enjoying the fruits of their labor. More

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